Archived Plants
(archived plants are those no longer for sale on our website)

'Atomic Purple' Globe Amaranth
Ageratum 'Red Flint'
Aloe Vera
Aluminum Plant
Autumn Blaze Maple
Banana Croton
Basil 'Italian Large Leaf'
Basil 'Spicy Globe'
Bee Balm 'Gardenview Scarlet'
Beefsteak Tomato
Broadleaf Sage
Catmint 'Summer Magic'
Celosia 'Forest Fire'
Creeping Jenny (Moneywort)
Dragon Tree
Dukat Dill
Echinacea 'Cheyenne Spirit'
Emerald Petite Arborvitae
Ganjyu Bitter Melon
Happy Jack® Purple Clematis
Ice Punch Poinsettia
Italian Sweet Pepper
Japanese Painted Fern
Jalapeno Pepper
Kalanchoe Plant
Lettuce 'Buttercrunch' (Butterhead)
Lettuce 'Paris White Cos' (Romaine)
Lily of the Valley
Lo & Behold® 'Blue Chip' Dwarf Butterfly Bush
Lychnis ‘Lipstick’
Mammy Croton
Norfolk Pilea
Petra Croton
Poblano Pepper
Purple Tomatillo
Red Button Ginger
Sensitive Plant
String of Dolphins
Sweetshrub 'Aphrodite'
Temple of Bloom® Seven Son Flower
Tigerella Tomato