Gibasis pellucida
Use: A tropical climber and groundcover. Best for hanging baskets and use as a houseplant.
Benefits: Produces beautiful and fragrant small white flowers. Easy to grow. Deep-green leaves and trailing branches.
USDA Hardiness Zones: 10-11 (used as a houseplant in most other climates)
Sun: Bright Indirect to Partial Shade
Life Cycle: Perennial
Mature Height: 8" (branches trail up to 20" long)
Mature Width: 20"
Bloom Season: Spring through Fall
Gibasis pellucida—commonly referred to as Tahitian Bridal Veil—is a beautiful trailing plant that is perfect for hanging baskets and as a houseplant. It's native to tropical climates, where it grows as both a groundcover and climbing plant.
Tahitian Bridal Veil is also known for its long bloom season and ease of care. Its small white flowers look especially striking in contrast to its deep-green and purple foliage.
Tahitian Bridal Veil Care
Thrives in bright indirect sun and partially shaded areas. Avoid exposure to full, strong sun as it may cause leaf burn.
Gibasis pellucida may be grown as an outdoor plant in tropical zones 10 and 11. Use caution, as it's potentially invasive.
Prefers soil full of rich, organic compounds. Avoid soil with poor drainage as root rot may likely occur if planted in such.
Attempt to keep soil slightly moist but not wet between spring and fall. Water less over winter.
This plant does best in moderate temperatures between 60°F and 85°F. Avoid prolonged exposure to temperatures below 50°F.
We suggest fertilizing from spring through fall. Our slow release fertilizer is a great option.
Size of Tahitian Bridal Veil for Sale Online
The Gibasis pellucida that we sell online will ship in a greenhouse grade grow pot. Each plant will be appropriately sized for its pot. Please contact us with any specific questions.
Size of Tahitian Bridal Veil When Fully Grown
Gibasis pellucida grow to a mature size of around 8" of height and 20" of width. Their trailing branches grow up to 24" long.
Additional Information
What is the Botanical Name of Tahitian Bridal Veil?
The modern botanical name of Tahitian Bridal Veil is Gibasis pellucida
Toxicity and Risks of Tahitian Bridal Veil
Gibasis pellucida is known to be mildly toxic to both people and pets. It's said that its ingestion may cause mild gastrointestinal symptoms and skin contact may cause dermatitis.